At Euro Car Parts we go to great lengths to ensure your shopping experience is as easy and secure as possible.
Firstly you need to know your vehicle information, this can be your vehicle registration number or your make, model, version and year. Enter your vehicle registration number in the “ENTER YOUR NUMBER PLATE BELOW” section or select your vehicle.
Our comprehensive catalogue system will look for the car parts for your section.
Use the Search or the menus to navigate to the part you need. Once you have found a part, check the fitment information to confirm it is the correct part for your vehicle. If in doubt feel free to call our experienced customer service team on +44 (0) 203 788 7842.
Once you have finished shopping simply go to the checkout, choose the method of shipping you would like and continue to payment. If you are happy with the order, confirm the payment and the item(s) will be dispatched to you.
Alternatively, you can contact a member of our customer service team on +44 (0) 203 788 7842 to place a telephone order.
Enter your Vehicle Registration Number on the home page on the ‘Find Car Parts’ section or enter your vehicle details, and we we filter the parts for your vehicle. Just remember to check the “Fitment Details” section to confirm the correct fitment.
Most of our deliveries are sent via UPS and we will send you an automated email with the tracking number of your order. You can also find the tracking number on your order in My Account
For information on returning an item please Click Here.